Medication Packing Services
As the number of medications you take increases or your lifestyle changes, it may be worth considering some form of medication management system.
As the number of medications you take increases or your lifestyle changes, it may be worth considering some form of medication management system. At Caremore, we offer customers the ability to have their medications pre-packed in sealed blister packets with separate doses for each time and day. These packs are often referred to as Dose Administration Aids or DAA’s.
A DAA can be of great assistance for people who:
• Are taking multiple medications;
• Are experiencing difficulty opening medication packaging;
• May have trouble always remembering to take their medication;
• Often travel and don’t like to carry multiple medication boxes; or
• Care for loved ones who may need assistance with their medication requirements.
Your DAA pack usually lasts for 1 week and is prepared in advance, ready for collection in store. Our Pharmacists can assist with managing your prescriptions and repeats with your GP and may also be able to offer a home delivery service if required. If you think a DAA would be of benefit to you or a loved one, come in and talk to us today.